galadriel and gandalf fanfiction

was Galadriel and Saruman included in "It was not Celeborn who desired the company of Gandalf the Grey." In Battle of the Fire Armies, Galadriel and Gandalf pick up their subtle relationship right where it left off in An Unexpected Journey. Characters Sorted Into Bringing up his sword as … Galadriel Sort by: Hot. Gandalf was the first drawn, and drawn a bit further back than Aragorn, who was “drawn” lots further back than Galadriel, whom I never finished because she looked so good that if I added a face it would spoil it. Inhalt ist versteckt. The Lady Galadriel stood in her garden, in the most secret part of her glade, and peered into her mirror and saw all. Her mind stabbed into his mind seeking to capture the image and knowledge of who he was before he could block her. Upon finding the tombs have been opened, Gandalf goes on a solo mission to Dol Guldur, where he finds that the Necromancer is indeed Sauron. haldir legolas thranduil lotr lordoftherings elrond aragorn thehobbit galadriel elves lothlorien lindir gandalf boromir middleearth celeborn tolkien kili mirkwood arwen. galadriel

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