grafana templating init failed datasource named was not found

To restart the service and verify that the service has started, run the following commands: sudo systemctl restart grafana-server sudo systemctl status grafana-server. Follow the instructions to create the plugin. grafana - Failed to create provisioner: Failed to initialize file ... In the HTTP settings of Grafana you set Access to Proxy, which means that Grafana wants to access Prometheus. My plugin are located under /var/lib/grafana/plugins/ directory. Open this dashboard, and the dashbord in in loading status Click on Dashboard button, and then click on Home button or management button, and you can see below error (if you do not see this error, repeat step 4,5 quickly in. Since Kubernetes uses an overlay network, it is a different IP. Provisioning a predefined Grafana dashboard. templating. If you see any errors or issues, the default path for logging is /var/log/grafana/ where you can confirm what is preventing the startup. Hey there, . The Grafana dashboards do not display any metric. Sign in to comment docker - Grafana + InfluxDB configuration - Stack Overflow How to get grafana password kube-stack-prometheus - DEV So - the error dialog is gone but now the behavior is no longer what I expected and the templated variables that I wish to be "all" lists that are not editable variables do not get filled in unless I un-hide them and select something else, then re-select all. Hey there, . The Bitnami Grafana Multi-Tier template provides production ready template leveraging the scale out design and security to provision Grafana with a few clicks with no extra cost. Change Email Alert Template Create Telegram Contact Point Users and Roles Teams . There are two ways of solving this: Set Access to Direct, so the browser directly connects to Prometheus. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s <your grafana servers domain name or ip address> --dport 9097-j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s localhost --dport 9097-j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 9097-j . Templating init failed Minified Redux error #3 when loading ... - GitHub

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