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He is partnered with Rex, a multi-scent trained German Shepherd with an excellent … Berserk Button: Do not hurt Rex. Hudson and Rex Two days since he had almost lost his life. Charlie explains that it all came about due to a kidnapping case involving a young boy. Roll the Bones: After the owner of a construction company is found dead, Charlie and Rex track the killer to an underground casino. Staffel 4 Episode 4 (Hudson und Rex 4x04) Während sich Sarah (Mayko Nguyen) auf ein Abenteuer in der Wildnis begibt, untersuchen Charlie (John Reardon) und Rex den Mord an … A Stab in the Dark Web We see this from both in this … The Life & Letters of Emory Upton, Colonel of the Fourth Regiment She's very pretty h/e the character so cliched. He’ll … Hudson & Rex - ServusTV Subreddit for the Canadian TV show Hudson & Rex. rex 744 views | original sound - Hannah. A pair of activists … 2. Team Trina or Team Sarah? : HudsonAndRex

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