Uppemot 40 personer har skadats efter att minst en tornado … Storms on Thursday had already disrupted traffic, uprooted trees that toppled onto rail tracks and roads, and flooded hundreds of basements in western Germany. 0 Comment. What is a tornado? Published May 21, 2022 Updated May 22, 2022, 1:03 p.m. Tornado Tornado Ultraviolet radiation warnings. The city's … Tornado in Northern Germany: people whirled into the Baltic Sea Tornado 5 dead as northern Europe battered by stormy weather - ABC News Damals, vor drei Jahren, studierte er noch in Berlin Meteorologie. Vom Tornado gab es zwei sich deutlich voneinander unterscheidende Hauptvarianten, den Tornado IDS und den Tornado ADV. “A very dangerous large tornado is on the ground north of Morton,” the National Weather Service said on Monday alongside an image of the large storm system which was… Read More. Germany; Tornadoes; Severe weather; Natural phenomena; Top Stories. Tornado in Germany injures 43 people, police say - BBC News
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